Judith Bütepage
Team Lead, SEED @ EA
Stockholm, Sweden
What would you like to talk about? Probability and statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, A/B Testing, Feature Engineering
Bio: I love machine learning because it is right there at the intersection of creative problem solving and logical thinking. In some sense, I was lucky – I joined the ML community exactly at the beginning of the deep learning revolution when I started my PhD back in 2015. Since then I have worked with all kinds of data, problems and models and let numerous reading groups to share my knowledge with the community. I am currently leading a research team at the Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division (SEED) at Electronic Arts. Previously, I was a research scientist at Spotify, which I joined right after completing my PhD in machine learning and computer vision at KTH in 2019. I have a broad background in ML, ranging from data understanding, over modelling to evaluation. My main interest are generative models and unsupervised learning. I have led leading several reading groups through the years and is an active member of the non-profit organization Stockholm AI. Among other fun projects, she has taught a robot how to fist-bump.
Judith has previously spoken at a WiDS AI & ML Sweden event.